
Project Mahitahi Kaimahi for Nature

Rod and his team, as part of the Project Mahitahi Kaimahi for Nature (restoration of the Maitai Valley), planted 26,450 native plants in June and in July 2021. We think that is something to celebrate!
The MahiTahi Project initiative was to plant native plants, restore wetlands, control animal and plant pests, and to create jobs for nature in the community. It was a large environmental project and has greatly improved our ecosystem for the MahiTahi area as well as create many jobs for people in the community. 
Thank you to the community who pitched in, planted, drove vans, cooked sausages at the planting days, and genuinely helped make a difference. We hope the locals and visitors to Nelson enjoy the native urban forests and the resorted ecosystem of the Maitai Valley.
Watch the video about the project here

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