
Nelmac Kūmānu joined with Local businesses to talk EVs’ with Minister for Climate Change

A few members of the Nelmac Kūmānu Sustainability Committee had the pleasure to meet the Minister for Climate Change, James Shaw, last week, along with members of the Te Tau Ihu (Top of the South) Mission Zero, Fleet Management Sector Group that has been led by our Environmental Management Leader, Rachael Williams-Gaul, since its inception in June 2020.


Kate Krawczyk, Nelmac; Rudi Halbich, Kernohan Engineering; Mathew Kidson, Kernohan Engineering; David Robinson, Taylors Contracting; Jared Waters, Nelmac; Belinda Reburn, Nelmac; Andy Gaul, Nelmac; Rachael Williams-Gaul, Nelmac; Min. James Shaw, Bruce Gilkison, Climate Zero; Mat Nalder, Department of Conservation; Daniela Ramirez, NCC; Chris Nash, Port Nelson; Lindsay Wood, Resilienz.


The Fleet Management Sector Group includes representatives (among others) from the Department of Conservation, Kernohan Engineering, Nelson City Council, Health Post, NZ Police, Port Nelson, Downers and Fulton Hogan. When it comes to addressing Climate Change, Collaboration is key. By being actively involved in this group Nelmac Kūmānu has the opportunity to hear first-hand about new technologies and the experience and knowledge gained by early adapters.


Min. James Shaw in front of one of Conservation Projects new PHEV Mitsubishi Eclipse


Min. James Shaw said that the Nelson area was one of the more forward regions of New Zealand when it came to taking action to reduce CO2 emissions. He also said he was happy to say that Electric Vehicles were currently going gang busters in New Zealand with 1 in 3 new vehicle sales currently EV or Hybrid. After hearing a few words from everyone present, Min. James Shaw mentioned that he was very pleased to hear about the actions being taken by Businesses in the area and asked us all to keep up the great work.

Click here to read the fantastic article on Stuff ‘Better together: businesses hook up to switch to EVs’, to find out more.


Rachael Williams-Gaul, Nelmac and Leader Mission Zero Fleet Sector Group; Min. James Shaw; Natalie Gilbert, Lead Activator Mission Zero; Bruce Gilkison, Climate Zero

Looking for a conservation partner for your next project? Contact Nelmac on 0800 635 622 to learn more.

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